Monday, July 26, 2010

My class

I am taking a class through called "Creative Embroidery: Organic Designs".  To say it has been challenging, is an understatement!   This is my first project which is a stitch sampler.  It has no pattern.  I still have some beading to finish on it, but am pleased with the look.  Currently I am working on a seed pod and had a chance to paint my fabric to stitch my project on.....more on that once it is complete.  I am hoping to use this class to help me add embroidery to my felted back to stitching! :)

1 comment:

  1. I took a class like this just this past spring. I am a bit of a lazy embroiderer, but it was good to learn new stitches instead of just trotting out the same ones all the time! You get in ruts and its nice to keep yourself going with new ideas...


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