Tuesday, July 3, 2012

TDF and other new stuff

So today was day 4 of TDF.  I did no spinning today.  My alpaca Jack was gelded today so between checking on him and keeping all of the other animals cool, (the heat and humidity has been awful) I had no time to play.  Jack is recovering nicely and I did get a moment to get my craft area packed up and ready to move into my new workshop- that will happen tomorrow!

Tomorrow we will have a home visit from the Florida Great Pyrenees Rescue.  We are looking to add a LGD (livestock guardian dog) to our family.  We have so many coyote around here that I worry non stop about our animals.  I am hoping they will approve our fencing and allow us to adopt!  Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me.  If we are able to get a LGD, then I will be able to add Gulf Coast Native Sheep to my farm!

Off to dream land for me!


  1. Off to dream land...sounds like your awake life is pretty dreamy to me (hard work I'm sure but certainly my dream life) . GP are my favorite dogs . I worked with one at Petsmart named Andra the Giant and he would sit on my lap....weighed more then me but so gentle and sweet . Actually , collecting his hair from many brushings is what got me interested in needle felting .Hope all you survive the heat .

  2. Kelly it all just sound so perfect! You lucky, lucky lady!
    I hope that Jack is recovered soon.. your move to the new workshop goes smoothly.. and that you get to adopt your Pyranees. I'm sure that his hair will find its way into the dye bath at some point :)


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