Friday, November 11, 2011

Fleeces from SAFF

I have been back from Asheville for a few weeks and have slowly been making my way through the fleeces I purchased.  I bought 2 Romney and 2 Lincoln.  Let me say, I have worked hard on the was not skirted...can you say "STINKY"?!  But once I got rid of the poopy parts, I was left with BEAUTIFUL curls!  I am now soaking another 1/2 lb or so of the curls right now.  Once those are done, off to the dye pots they will go....

Grey Romney

White Romney

Raw Lincoln

Soaking Lincoln
I have sorted another lb. of white Romney and that is next to be washed.  The grey Romney is so clean, and was a Blue Ribbon winner!  It is not as soft as the white, but has such gorgeous crimp! That will be washed, but will be easy because it is sooooo clean.  So today will be washing! And maybe a bit of dyeing.

Tomorrow I'm off to a guild meeting, I have missed those ladies....I missed the last meeting because I was in Asheville.  Next post will include all of the goodies I purchased.... :)


  1. I wish I had some Floridian sun here to help dry fleeces. It's so damp and grey here (Yorkshire UK) that's it's an activity I do only in summer.The fleeces do look lovely.

  2. Wish I had some sun here to dry fleeces (Yorkshire, UK) it's so grey and damp that I only do this activity in summer. The fleece looks great.


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