So yesterday the family and I headed off to the state fair. While we were walking around Cracker Country ( a outdoor museum of rural Florida) they had many hands on
activities that you could take part in. One station had rope making, another had candle making, more showed weaving, and finally I came across a felting station. While this was not a hands on activity for guests I was shown how to make a felt hat. Not the full process mind you, the demonstrator was rolling the felt at the time. It was really fun to watch in person rather than through a You Tube video tutorial. I found an herb area and was able to buy a huge bag of dried lavender. My hubby had a laugh at me over it. He saw me move in for the smell, and then walk a few steps away before I swirled around and asked the gentleman running the booth how much it was. When I questioned my hubby on why he laughed, he said he knew I would not make it past a few steps before I turned around and bought some! I guess after 18 years he does know me well! :) It inspired me to come home and make a felt panel that I could sew into a sachet bag for some of the wonderful smelling lavender.